
This guide aims to help users of ChatGPT better utilize the service by teaching them how to create effective prompts. By understanding various methods to instruct and steer ChatGPT, users can receive more accurate and helpful responses to complete their intended tasks.

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Crafting Effective Prompts

Clarity and Specificity

To ensure that ChatGPT fully understands your question and provides a relevant answer, it’s important to be clear and specific in your prompts. By explicitly stating the desired information or the context, you help the AI narrow down its focus and tailor its response to your needs.

However, it’s worth noting that too much specificity might limit the AI’s creativity or lead to a narrow response that doesn’t fully address the broader context. Striking a balance between clarity and creativity is key.

💡 Tip 1:
Instead of asking, “What are some good exercises?”, try asking, “What are the best exercises for improving cardiovascular endurance for a beginner?”
💡 Tip 2: 
Instead of saying, "Tell me about famous painters," ask, "Who are the most influential painters from the Renaissance period and their notable works?"

Contextual Information

Providing relevant context in your prompts helps guide ChatGPT to generate more accurate and meaningful responses. By including details about the situation or the subject matter, you allow the AI to better understand the nuances of your question and tailor its response accordingly.

However, it’s important not to overload the prompt with excessive context, as this might make it difficult for ChatGPT to focus on the main question or topic. Keep the context concise and relevant.

💡 Tip 3: 
Instead of asking, "What are the best programming languages to learn?", try asking, "Considering the current job market for software developers, what are the top 3 programming languages to learn for someone just starting their career?"
💡 Tip 4:
Instead of asking, "How can I improve my writing?", try asking, "As an aspiring science fiction author, what techniques can I use to create more vivid and engaging world-building in my stories?"

Progressive Detailing

Breaking down complex questions into smaller parts and asking them sequentially allows ChatGPT to tackle each aspect individually, ultimately providing a more comprehensive answer. This approach is particularly useful when you’re seeking information on a broad or multifaceted subject.

Keep in mind that progressive detailing may lead to longer interactions with the AI, and it might not be suitable for simple, straightforward tasks. Use this technique when you need a more in-depth exploration of a topic.

💡 Example 1:
Step 1: "Please provide an overview of the causes and effects of climate change."
Step 2: "Now, explain the role of greenhouse gases in climate change and how human activities contribute to their increase."
💡 Example 2:
Step 1: "Explain the basic principles of the Agile project management methodology."
Step 2: "Now, describe how the Scrum framework is used to implement Agile principles in software development projects."

Advanced Techniques

System Instruction

Explicitly instructing ChatGPT to think step by step, debate pros and cons, or analyze a situation more thoroughly can result in more thoughtful and comprehensive responses. This approach is especially useful when dealing with complex or multifaceted financial, risk, or economic topics.

However, this technique may not be suitable for simple questions that require straightforward answers. Use system instruction when you need deeper analysis or balanced consideration of a topic.

💡 Example 3: 
"Please analyze the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in a country's financial system."

Input Constraints

By limiting the response format, you can encourage ChatGPT to focus on the most important information and present it in a concise manner. This technique is helpful when you want a quick summary, a list, or a brief analysis of a topic related to specific subject areas.

Keep in mind that constraints might limit the AI’s ability to provide comprehensive or creative answers, so use this technique when brevity is a priority.

💡 Example 4:
"In 5 bullet points, summarize the key factors affecting interest rate risk for banks."

Roleplaying Scenarios

Assigning a specific role to ChatGPT, such as a financial advisor or an economist, can help it generate more focused and relevant responses. This technique allows the AI to approach your question from a particular perspective, which can be useful when seeking expert advice or opinions.

However, roleplaying might not be suitable for all situations, and can sometimes lead to over-imaginative or overly focused responses. Use this technique when you need specialized knowledge or insight.

💡 Example 5:
"Imagine you are a risk management expert at a bank. How would you assess and mitigate the credit risk associated with corporate lending?"

Zero, One, and Few-Shot Learning

These techniques refer to the way you present information to ChatGPT in order to guide its response. In a zero-shot scenario, you provide no specific examples, while in one-shot and few-shot scenarios, you give one or more examples to help the AI understand the desired output.

These techniques can be useful in finance, risk, banking, or economics when you want the AI to generate a response based on similar cases or when you need to solve problems that require pattern recognition.

💡 Zero-Shot Example: "What are some key indicators that might signal an upcoming economic recession?"
💡 One-Shot Example:
Given the following data and analysis for Country X:

- Inflation rate: 3.5%
- Unemployment rate: 5.2%
- GDP growth: 2.1%

Analysis: The economy of Country X is moderately growing with controlled inflation and average unemployment.

Now, analyze the economy of Country Y with this data:

- Inflation rate: 1.2%
- Unemployment rate: 7.8%
- GDP growth: 0.5%

💡 Few-Shot Example:
Example 1:
Debt-to-equity ratio for Company A:

- Industry average: 1.5
- Company A: 0.9

Analysis: Company A has a lower debt-to-equity ratio than the industry average, indicating lower financial risk.

Example 2:
Debt-to-equity ratio for Company B:

- Industry average: 0.6
- Company B: 1.2

Analysis: Company B has a higher debt-to-equity ratio than the industry average, indicating higher financial risk.

Now, analyze the debt-to-equity ratio for Company C:

- Industry average: 2.0
- Company C: 1.5


Balancing Length and Detail

Strive to find the right balance between prompt length and detail to ensure ChatGPT generates useful and comprehensive responses without being overwhelmed by unnecessary information.

Understanding Limitations and Misunderstandings

Recognize that ChatGPT may sometimes provide incorrect or irrelevant answers. In such cases, rephrase or clarify your prompt to improve the AI’s understanding.

Iterative Improvement and Learning from Feedback

Regularly analyze the responses generated by ChatGPT and iteratively refine your prompts to improve the quality and relevance of the AI’s output. Take note of patterns and techniques that yield successful results and apply them to future prompts.


By understanding the various methods to instruct and steer ChatGPT, users can effectively craft prompts that lead to more accurate and helpful responses. Always remember to balance clarity and detail, and iteratively refine your prompts based on the AI’s performance. With practice and feedback, you can maximize the potential of ChatGPT to assist you with a wide range of tasks.