Recently there’s quite a few research learning papers detailing work in attempt to unseat XGBoost from the crown of the best model for tabular data. Though none has worked well enough, the biggest contributions of these papers are the XGBoost hyperparameter ranges that they used to tune the models for comparison. The following outlined the ranges used.

Tabular Data: Deep Learning is Not All You Need


Hyperparameter Distribution Range
Eta Log-Uniform distribution [e−7,1]
Max depth Discrete uniform distribution [1,10]
Subsample Uniform distribution [0.2,1]
Colsample bytree Uniform distribution [0.2,1]
Colsample bylevel Uniform distribution [0.2,1]
Min child weight Log-Uniform distribution [e−16, e5]
Alpha Uniform choice {0, Log-Uniform distribution [e−16, e2]}
Lambda Uniform choice {0, Log-Uniform distribution [e−16, e2]}
Gamma Uniform choice {0, Log-Uniform distribution [e−16, e2]}

Regularization is all you Need: Simple Neural Nets can Excel on Tabular Data

Auto-sckit learn, no one hot encoding

Hyperparameter Type Range Log scale
eta Continuous [0.001,1] X
lambda Continuous [1e−10,1] X
alpha Continuous [1e−10,1] X
num_round Integer [1,1000] -
gamma Continuous [0.1,1] X
colsample_bylevel Continuous [0.1,1] -
colsample_bynode Continuous [0.1,1] -
colsample_bytree Continuous [0.5,1] -
max_depth Integer [1,20] -
max_delta_step Integer [0,10] -
min_child_weight Continuous [0.1,20] X
subsample Continuous [0.01,1] -

AWS: Tune an XGBoost Model

Lastly, recommendations from AWS.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Recommended Ranges
alpha ContinuousParameterRanges MinValue: 0, MaxValue: 1000
colsample_bylevel ContinuousParameterRanges MinValue: 0.1, MaxValue: 1
colsample_bynode ContinuousParameterRanges MinValue: 0.1, MaxValue: 1
colsample_bytree ContinuousParameterRanges MinValue: 0.5, MaxValue: 1
eta ContinuousParameterRanges MinValue: 0.1, MaxValue: 0.5
gamma ContinuousParameterRanges MinValue: 0, MaxValue: 5
lambda ContinuousParameterRanges MinValue: 0, MaxValue: 1000
max_delta_step IntegerParameterRanges [0, 10]
max_depth IntegerParameterRanges [0, 10]
min_child_weight ContinuousParameterRanges MinValue: 0, MaxValue: 120
num_round IntegerParameterRanges [1, 4000]
subsample ContinuousParameterRanges MinValue: 0.5, MaxValue: 1


Tune an XGBoost Model

Tabular Data: Deep Learning is Not All You Need

Regularization is all you Need: Simple Neural Nets can Excel on Tabular Data

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    title = {XGBoost Hyperparameters Tuning: Research Paper Edition},
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